Memories of Union High

An Oasis in Caroline County, Virginia 1903-1969

By Marion Woodfork Simmons

Finalist in the African American Non-Fiction category of the 2012 National Indie Excellence Book Awards and 2012 USA Best Book Awards

Memories of Union High An Oasis in Caroline County, Virginia 1903-1969

Memories of Union High
An Oasis in Caroline County, Virginia 1903-1969

Memories of Union High: An Oasis in Caroline County, Virginia 1903-1969, is the result of the Union High History Project. The book contains:

  • Historical information
  • Memories from alums, faculty, family, and friends
  • Excerpts from school newspapers and yearbooks
  • Over 100 photographs and other memorabilia

Memories of Union High is a fitting tribute to the people associated with Union High and a good history lesson for those unfamiliar with the school.

USA Best Book Awards Finalist
Indi Excellence Finalist Book Awards
Price includes shipping and handling.

Memories of Union High is available in several public and college libraries, including all branches of the Caroline County, Virginia, library system and the Central Rappahannock Regional Library. Visit for a complete list of libraries where the book is available.